Students working on the Declaration of Independence

Students working on the Declaration of Independence
students from 1 t

Feb 9, 2011

Biography: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin February the 12th in Harden County in Kentucky, and was born into poverty. He was self-taught and grew up to be a lawyer. Lincoln had 4 children with his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, but only 1 of them grew up to adulthood.
His political career started in the 1840's. Since the beginning of his political career he supported the Republican Party in its antislavery stand. He was also elected as president of the United States in 1860. He was the 16th president, however, he was the first republican president (and also the first president to have a beard!). One year later the American Civil war broke out, because of the disagreements around slavery. Abraham was re-elected in 1864 and The Union won the war in 1865. Only 5 days after the war had come to an end, he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play with his wife, thereby being the first president ever assassinated in USA.

Written by: Jannicke, Helene, Sif, Matt and Alex.

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