Students working on the Declaration of Independence

Students working on the Declaration of Independence
students from 1 t

May 13, 2011

The Cold War Time Line - Group no. 1

- 1945 February 4 - Yalta Conference Cold War Begins.
- 1945 August 6 - United States first used atomic bomb in war.
- 1945 August 14 - Japanese surrender End of World War II.
- 1946 March - Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" Speech.
- 1949 July - NATO ratified.
- 1949 May 12 - Berlin Blockade ends.
- 1949 September - Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China.
- 1949 September - Soviets explode first atomic bomb.


- 1950 June - Korean War begins.
- 1953 July - Korean War ends.
- 1954 March - KGB established.
- 1954 July - Vietnam split at 17th parallel.
- 1955 May - Warsaw Pact formed.
- 1957 October 4 - Sputnik launched into orbit.

- 1958 November - Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin.


- 1963 November - President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
- 1969 July 20 - Apollo 11 lands on the moon.


- 1986 October - Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe
- 1987 October - Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles by       signing treaty
- 1989 June - China puts down protests for democracy; Poland becomes independent


- 1990 March - Lithuania becomes independent
- 1990 May 29 - Boris Yeltsin elected to presidency of Russia
- 1990 October 3 - Germany reunited
- 1991 April - Warsaw Pact ends
- 1991 August - End of Soviet Union "The Cold War ends"

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