Students working on the Declaration of Independence

Students working on the Declaration of Independence
students from 1 t

May 13, 2011

The Cold War Time Line - Group no. 1

- 1945 February 4 - Yalta Conference Cold War Begins.
- 1945 August 6 - United States first used atomic bomb in war.
- 1945 August 14 - Japanese surrender End of World War II.
- 1946 March - Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" Speech.
- 1949 July - NATO ratified.
- 1949 May 12 - Berlin Blockade ends.
- 1949 September - Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China.
- 1949 September - Soviets explode first atomic bomb.


- 1950 June - Korean War begins.
- 1953 July - Korean War ends.
- 1954 March - KGB established.
- 1954 July - Vietnam split at 17th parallel.
- 1955 May - Warsaw Pact formed.
- 1957 October 4 - Sputnik launched into orbit.

- 1958 November - Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin.


- 1963 November - President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
- 1969 July 20 - Apollo 11 lands on the moon.


- 1986 October - Reagan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe
- 1987 October - Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles by       signing treaty
- 1989 June - China puts down protests for democracy; Poland becomes independent


- 1990 March - Lithuania becomes independent
- 1990 May 29 - Boris Yeltsin elected to presidency of Russia
- 1990 October 3 - Germany reunited
- 1991 April - Warsaw Pact ends
- 1991 August - End of Soviet Union "The Cold War ends"

May 10, 2011

THE COLD WAR, q. 2: What did the west want?

The west’s wishes in the Cold War:

  • They wanted democracy – freedom of speech, free elections, the right to form political parties.
  • Economy – liberalistic vs. communistic – the West wanted to encourage free trade throughout the world. They also sent economic aid to the allies to keep them from being influenced and dependent on the Soviet Union.
  • Power rivalry – The United States wanted to gain more power over the Soviet Union.

Soviet Blog

definition of the Soviet Bloc

The communist nations closely allied with the Soviet Union ( including Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania), whose foreign policies depended on those of the former Soviet Union. It did not include communist nations with independent foreign policies, such as China, Yugoslavia and Albania. The Soviet Union used its military force several times in the Soviet Bloc to ensure that the countries' governments followed Soviet preferences: in East Germany in 1953, in Hungary and Poland in 1956, and in Czechoslovakia in 1968.

By: Aviv, Lotte, Matt & Karen

Mar 4, 2011

Segregation of Blacks

Segregation of blacks after the civil war in the South
Terrible upload quality..

October revolution

October revolution

The October revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin, in November 1917. The revolution was based on the working class’ dissatisfaction with their condition and rights. The October Revolution occurred after a growing unrest in Russia following its entry and struggle in World War One. Funded by Germany, Lenin stirred civil unrest in the Russian Empire, which was already descending into civil war due to a lack of food and supplies. Using propaganda and intimidation, Lenin and his followers lead an idealistic uprising which came to be known as the October Revolution. The October Revolution occurred after growing unrest in Russia following its entry and struggle in World War One. Funded by Germany, Lenin stirred civil unrest in the Russian Empire, which was already descending into civil war due to a lack of food and supplies. Using propaganda and intimidation, Lenin and his followers lead an idealistic uprising which came to be known as the October Revolution.