Students working on the Declaration of Independence

Students working on the Declaration of Independence
students from 1 t

Mar 4, 2011

October revolution

October revolution

The October revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin, in November 1917. The revolution was based on the working class’ dissatisfaction with their condition and rights. The October Revolution occurred after a growing unrest in Russia following its entry and struggle in World War One. Funded by Germany, Lenin stirred civil unrest in the Russian Empire, which was already descending into civil war due to a lack of food and supplies. Using propaganda and intimidation, Lenin and his followers lead an idealistic uprising which came to be known as the October Revolution. The October Revolution occurred after growing unrest in Russia following its entry and struggle in World War One. Funded by Germany, Lenin stirred civil unrest in the Russian Empire, which was already descending into civil war due to a lack of food and supplies. Using propaganda and intimidation, Lenin and his followers lead an idealistic uprising which came to be known as the October Revolution.


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