Students working on the Declaration of Independence

Students working on the Declaration of Independence
students from 1 t

Mar 1, 2011

Five Year Plans and the Collectivisation of Agriculture

During the time of Stalin, the Soviet Communist leaders thought that industrialization was very important for the growth of the country. Stalin wanted to industrialize the country rapidly and he introduced a campaign of central planning (A small group of people in power, planning and deciding for everyone “what is best for all”. They also decide what has to be produced.)

This led to the Five Year Plans wanting to create a rapid growth of capital goods such as coal, oil, hydroelectricity, iron etc.
To do this, the forced collectivization of agriculture was used; using systematic violence to get rid of private property, which they held responsible for the country’s problems. State was to own the entire agrarian sector, turning it into huge state-owned farms.
With it came cruel repression; however, the growth of heavy industry took place very rapidly.

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